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Amazonの決算資料の中に「Letter to shareholders」という、ジェフ・ベゾスからの手紙があるのでそれを紹介してみたいと思います。


Prime, Marketplace, Amazon Web Services


We want Prime to be such a good value, you’d be irresponsible not to be a member. We’ve grown Prime two-day delivery selection from 1 million items to over 30 million, added Sunday Delivery, and introduced Free Same-Day Delivery on hundreds of thousands of products for customers in more than 35 cities around the world. We’ve added music, photo storage, the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, and streaming films and TV.



We took two big swings and missed – with Auctions and zShops – before we launched Marketplace over 15 years ago. We learned from our failures and stayed stubborn on the vision, and today close to 50% of units sold on Amazon are sold by third-party sellers. Marketplace is great for customers because it adds unique selection, and it’s great for sellers – there are over 70,000 entrepreneurs with sales of more than $100,000 a year selling on Amazon, and they’ve created over 600,000 new jobs. With FBA, that flywheel spins faster because sellers’ inventory becomes Prime-eligible – Prime becomes more valuable for members, and sellers sell more. 

Marketplaceを始める前に大きな空振りを2つしました。それはAuctionsとxShopsです。失敗に学び、ビジョンを堅持することで、今では約50%の量を3rd partyが販売しています。Marketplaceは品揃えの独自性によって顧客のためになり、70000の起業家が年間$100000以上を販売し、600000の雇用を創出することで、販売会社のためにもなっています。FBA(Fulfillment By Amazon)を使えば、販売者の在庫はPrime適用可能になります。

This year, we created a new program called Seller Fulfilled Prime. We invited sellers who are able to meet a high bar for shipping speed and consistency in service to be part of the Prime program and ship their own orders at Prime speed directly. Those sellers have already seen a significant bump in sales, and the program has led to hundreds of thousands of additional items that are available to Prime customers via free two-day or next-day shipping in the U.S., U.K. and Germany.

今年、Seller Fulfilled Primeを新設しました。出荷スピードとサービスの一貫性をクリアできる販売者をPrimeの一部として招待し、Primeのスピードで出荷します。これらの販売社は既に販売量を増加させています。

We also created the Amazon Lending program to help sellers grow. Since the program launched, we’ve provided aggregate funding of over $1.5 billion to micro, small and medium businesses across the U.S., U.K. and Japan through short-term loans, with a total outstanding loan balance of about $400 million. 

また、Amazon Lending proguramを作りました。プログラムが開始されてから、中小ビジネス向けに$1.5Bの短期融資を行いました。現在の残高は$400Mです。

Amazon Web Services

Just over 10 years ago, AWS started in the U.S. with its first major service, a simple storage service. Today, AWS offers more than 70 services for compute, storage, databases, analytics, mobile, Internet of Things, and enterprise applications. We also offer 33 Availability Zones across 12 geographic regions worldwide, with another five regions and 11 Availability Zones in Canada, China, India, the U.S., and the U.K. to be available in the coming year. AWS started with developers and startups, and now is used by more than a million customers from organizations of every size across nearly every industry – companies like Pinterest, Airbnb, GE, Enel, Capital One, Intuit, Johnson & Johnson, Philips, Hess, Adobe, McDonald’s, and Time Inc.

10年少し前にAWSはアメリカで最初の大きなサービスであるストレージサービスを始めました。現在ではAWSは70以上のサービス(Compute、ストレージ、データベースなど)を提供しています。また、33のAvailability Zoneを12の地域で提供し、11のAvailability Zoneを5つの地域で提供予定です。AWSは開発者とスタートアップと一緒に始まり、今や様々な大きさの様々な産業の顧客に利用されています。Pinterest、Airbnb、GE、J&Jなどです。

AWS is bigger than was at 10 years old, growing at a faster rate, and – most noteworthy in my view – the pace of innovation continues to accelerate – we announced 722 significant new features and services in 2015, a 40% increase over 2014.
Many characterized AWS as a bold – and unusual – bet when we started. “What does this have to do with selling books?” We could have stuck to the knitting. I’m glad we didn’t. Or did we? Maybe the knitting has as much to do with our approach as the arena. AWS is customer obsessed, inventive and experimental, long-term oriented, and cares deeply about operational excellence.

AWSはAmazonが10年経ったときより大きく、成長が早く、中でも注目すべきなのはイノベーションが加速し続けていることです。2015には722の新機能を追加しました。AWSが大胆な賭けだということはよく言われました。「本を売るのとどういう関係があるんですか?」などと。本を売るのに集中し続けることもできたでしょう。でもそうしなかったことがよかったです。本を売ることはアプローチに関係しているのと同様に、競争の場にも関係しているのです。AWSは顧客主義で、創造的で、実験的で、長期的で、operational excellenceに真剣に取り組むものです。

Many companies describe themselves as customer-focused, but few walk the walk. Most big technology companies are competitor focused. They see what others are doing, and then work to fast follow. In contrast, 90 to 95% of what we build in AWS is driven by what customers tell us they want. A good example is our new database engine, Amazon Aurora. Customers have been frustrated by the proprietary nature, high cost, and licensing terms of traditional, commercial-grade database providers. And while many companies have started moving toward more open engines like MySQL and Postgres, they often struggle to get the performance they need. Customers asked us if we could eliminate that inconvenient trade-off, and that’s why we built Aurora.




次回は、創造を続けるためのInvnetion Machineについてです。


ジェフ・ベゾスからの手紙(1) - Invest Shift

ジェフ・ベゾスからの手紙(2) - Invest Shift

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