Square(SQ)2019Q3決算 ガイダンスをミス
・発表日 2019/11/6 post-market
・売上 $602.22M コンセンサス予想より+$5.37M
・non-GAAP EPS $0.25 コンセンサス予想より+$0.05
・GAAP EPS $0.06
・GAAP net income $29M
・GPV $28.2B +25%
・Gross profit $500M +42%
・2019Q4 予想売上(adjusted) $585〜595M(コンセンサス予想 $619.1M)
・2019Q4 予想non-GAAP EPS $0.19〜0.21(コンセンサス予想 $0.25)
・2019FY 予想売上(adjusted) $2.24〜2.25B(コンセンサス予想 $2.27B)
・2019FY 予想non-GAAP EPS $0.76〜0.78(コンセンサス予想不明)
・決算発表後の株価 post-marketで+1.32%
・2019FYコンセンサス予想PER 61.34/0.11=557.63
・2020FYコンセンサス予想PER 61.34/0.2=306.7
Cash appは好調ですが、反面Caviarは想定より良くなかったのでガイダンスは悪化しています。
There are two factors impacting our updated full year 2019 guidance of $2.24 billion to $2.25 billion in adjusted revenue. First, underlying trends in our seller and Cash App ecosystems increased the top end of our guidance by $15 million.
Second, the timing of the Caviar sale and its underperformance reduced our guidance by $45 million. These offsetting factors result in a net decrease of $30 million to the top end of our full year 2019 guidance.
Total net revenue $1.27B +44%
Transaction-based revenue $816M +24.6%
Subscription and services-based revenue $279M +68.3%
Hardware revenue $21M +23.9%
Bitcoin revenue $148M +245.1%
Cash app revenue(bitcoin除く) $159M +115%