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JPMorgan(JPM)2019Q4決算 好決算


・発表日 2020/1/14 pre-market
・売上 $28.3B +8.4% コンセンサス予想より+$610M
GAAP EPS $2.57 +29.7% コンセンサス予想より+$0.22
GAAP net income $8.52B
ROE 14%(2018Q4 12%)
・Net interest income $14.3B -2%
・Noninterest revenue $14.9B +21%

・決算発表後の株価 終値+1.1%
・2020FYコンセンサス予想PER 136.72/10.5=13.02
・2021FYコンセンサス予想PER 136.72/11.17=12.23


Moving to markets. Total revenue was $5 billion, up 66% year-on-year driven by record fourth quarter revenue in both fixed income and equity markets. Fixed income markets was up 86% benefiting from a favorable comparison against a challenging fourth quarter last year, but also reflecting strength across businesses notably in securitized products and rates driven by strong client activity and monetizing flows.


セグメントは「Consumer and Community Banking(CCB)」「Corporate & Investment Bank(CIB)」「Commercial Banking(CB)」「Asset & Wealth Management(AWM)」です。

Average total loans -1%+3% excluding the impact of loan sales in Home Lending)

Provision for credit losses $1.42B -7.8%


売上 $14B +3% 利益 $4.2B +5% ROE 31%(2018Q4 30%)

Average loans 451.6B -6.4%


売上 $9.5B +31% 利益 $2.9B +48% ROE 14%(2018Q4 10%)


売上 $2.2B -3% 利益は$938M -9% ROE 16%(2018Q4 20%)


売上 $3.7B +8% 利益 $785M +30% ROE 24%(2018Q4 31%)

AUM 2.4T +19%


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