Facebook(FB)2017Q4決算 視聴時間は減少の見込み
・発表日 2018/1/31 アフターマーケット
・売上 $12.97B +47.2% コンセンサス予想より+$420M
・non-GAAP EPS $2.21(今回のみnon-GAAP) コンセンサス予想より+$0.26
・GAAP EPS $1.44
・GAAP net income $4.26B
・12月の平均DAU 1.4B +14% MAU 2.13B +14%
・決算発表後の株価 アフターマーケットで+1.24%
・2018FYコンセンサス予想PER 186.89/6.61=28.27
・2019FYコンセンサス予想PER 186.89/8.21=22.76
One of the most important things we can do is make sure our services aren't just fun to use, but also good for people's well being and for society overall. So far this year, we've already announced a couple of important updates. The first is prioritizing meaningful social interactions over passive consumption of content. Research shows that strengthening our relationships improves our well being. When we use social media to connect with people that correlate to the long-term measures of well being that you'd expect like happiness and health.
But passively watching videos or reading articles may not have those same effects. You can think about it this way. When you see a photo from a friend at News Feed, that's not just content that makes you smile or laugh, it's an opportunity to connect with that friend to reach out to them and to remind them that you care about each other. And that connection is deeply important to us as people. But when you see a video or a news articles, even if it's informative or entertaining, unless you start a conversation around it, you're not building a relationship.
We estimate that these updates decrease time spent on Facebook by roughly 5% in the fourth quarter. To put that another way, we made changes that reduced time spent on Facebook by an estimated 50 million hours every day to make sure that people's time is well spent. That's how serious we are about this.
Facebook's (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Q4 2017 Results - Earnings Call Transcript | Seeking Alpha
モバイル広告収入は$11.4B +57%でした。
モバイル広告収入の割合は89%(2016Q4は84%) でした。
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